Dennis Booker is a preacher-teacher at a Presbyterian church in Cordova, TN, he is also an author. With nine years in ministry, this is his first book with many more to come in the future. He is passionate, loves God and the Lord Jesus Christ and he sees this book as an evangelism tool to reach the world. Dennis recently graduated from Belhaven University in Memphis, TN with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. He will pursue the Master of Divinity program in the near future.
Times in our lives as human beings can be difficult in this world. This world allows so much pain, stress, corruption, concerns and other things which we are not prepared for. At times, we are thinking how we are going to get through the next day or even the whole year? The tempo we have and the events we experience in our world today are temporary but STANDING ON THE ROCK WHICH IS CHRIST can transform our lives to see an eternal future.
Dennis Booker believes there is an eternal future ahead for every individual that God has created. The Holy Scripture of God’s word lays out what we must depend on in times of peace, pain, stress, corruption, and unexpected events in our lives. Meditating on God’s word can increase our fellowship and our knowledge of who God is. Holding to Biblical Foundation and its perceptions and truths, STANDING ON THE ROCK WHICH IS CHRIST shares how we can overcome our concerns, stress and pains which we face day to day.
The world today is chaotic and seems out of control. But there’s one who is in perfect control and in Him we can find peace and everlasting love.
STANDING ON THE ROCK WHICH IS CHRIST is a book written to share the Word and how to turn away from the chaos that surrounds us. When you focus on God, everything else fades away and you can find peace.
If you’re looking for something more than your daily routine and want to find out how to meditate on the Word of God or simply seek more knowledge of Him, you’re in the right place. You’ll find what you’re looking for in these pages and even when things seem to be going all wrong, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that your Heavenly Father is here for you, protecting you.